Lottery Corruption
The mystery of september 11 and the state lotteries
Source in MLA format: Mason Harry. “The Mystery of September 11 and the State Lotteries.”. Book Baby, 2013. 16-18. ITunes. Web. 26. Jan. 2014.
MIT students "beat" the lottery
Voltaire lottery exploit
The mystery of september 11 and the state lotteries
Source in MLA format: Mason Harry. “The Mystery of September 11 and the State Lotteries.”. Book Baby, 2013. 16-18. ITunes. Web. 26. Jan. 2014.
- 666 lottery scandal:
- Nick Perry = mastermind/announcer of daily number
- Made weighted ping pong balls
- Experimented with exact weight- white latex paint
- all balls except 4 and 6 were to be weighted
- brought lotto tickets in all possible combinations
- EX 446, 444, 464, 466
- won lotto- 666 drawn in 1980 april 24
- Unusual betting patterns = caught
- 1992- 0-0-0 lotto announced, but wrong
- next day, 0-0-0 combination was the winning lotto
- mistake- usually uses 000 to “test”
- 17269 people get 5.512.0075 $
- 2002- Columbian newspaper publishes winnign numbers 6-8-5-5
- for pick four- newspaper computers crash
- page that had lotto results had to be redone
- got oregon lottery numbers from wrong place
- instead he got the virginia lotto numbers
- wierdly, virginia lotto numbers were the same as the oregon numbers
- Reveals that newspapers have routine access to winnign lotto numbers “over the wire”?
- Numbers chosen hours before lotto occurs = fraud possible
- Mentions James Q Wilson reporter from 1960’s
- James says states more prone to corruption
- this is because no one knows anything about state candidates
- Local governments less prone to corruption from local newspaper
MIT students "beat" the lottery
Voltaire lottery exploit
- Voltaire, a philosopher, was involved with lottery exploitations.