Many governments have considered the use of animals for military purposes. This tab will investigate this.

Bat Bombs-
An experimental weapon investigated by the United States during World War II, the bat bomb project was designed to use bats in warfare. Bats would be strapped with high explosives and released across japan. Since bats roost in attics, the timed bomb would explode causing mass destruction. Since many Japanese houses were made of materials that could be easily caught on fire, this was ideal to destroying Japanese housing.
Originally conceived by a Pensilvania dentist, Lytle S. Adams, the bat bombs were a catastrophic failure. On May 15th, 1943, a loose bat bomb was accidentally released, roosted under a gas tank, and exploded. It eventually was discontinued, after costing the U.S. an estimated 2 million dollars.
An experimental weapon investigated by the United States during World War II, the bat bomb project was designed to use bats in warfare. Bats would be strapped with high explosives and released across japan. Since bats roost in attics, the timed bomb would explode causing mass destruction. Since many Japanese houses were made of materials that could be easily caught on fire, this was ideal to destroying Japanese housing.
Originally conceived by a Pensilvania dentist, Lytle S. Adams, the bat bombs were a catastrophic failure. On May 15th, 1943, a loose bat bomb was accidentally released, roosted under a gas tank, and exploded. It eventually was discontinued, after costing the U.S. an estimated 2 million dollars.

Anti Tank Dogs-
Anti Tank Dogs were used by the Soviet Union and many other countries during times of war.
Anti Tank Dogs were used by the Soviet Union and many other countries during times of war.